Saturday, November 26, 2011

I believe!

I believe that there are good people left in the world. I believe that saying "thank you" and "I am sorry" can make a huge difference & save relationships. I believe that we can make someone's day with the simple but great gift of a smile or a kind word. I believe that one little drop can make a significant difference, for it takes one drop to make a glass overflow. I believe that crying is not something shameful, but something that's good for the soul, because it's something that shows that you're human. I believe that turning the other cheek is neither humiliating nor retaliation. It is rather a response of strength that says, “I will not seek revenge because I am stronger than that”. It also says, I will not respond in shame because I have dignity and compassion for the ones in need of light. My dignity is not found in if I can hit them back and hurt them. I believe that it is better to always try than to live on wondering "what if". I believe in showing our feelings & telling others how much we care because we never know when is going to be the last day we'll see them, you never know what can happen tomorrow. I believe that dancing & singing is the best therapy. I believe in second chances, miracles, dogs, kids, and that many things can be solved with a good, hearty laugh. I believe in happy endings.
And last, but not least... I believe in love. ♡


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Saturday, November 26, 2011

I believe!

I believe that there are good people left in the world. I believe that saying "thank you" and "I am sorry" can make a huge difference & save relationships. I believe that we can make someone's day with the simple but great gift of a smile or a kind word. I believe that one little drop can make a significant difference, for it takes one drop to make a glass overflow. I believe that crying is not something shameful, but something that's good for the soul, because it's something that shows that you're human. I believe that turning the other cheek is neither humiliating nor retaliation. It is rather a response of strength that says, “I will not seek revenge because I am stronger than that”. It also says, I will not respond in shame because I have dignity and compassion for the ones in need of light. My dignity is not found in if I can hit them back and hurt them. I believe that it is better to always try than to live on wondering "what if". I believe in showing our feelings & telling others how much we care because we never know when is going to be the last day we'll see them, you never know what can happen tomorrow. I believe that dancing & singing is the best therapy. I believe in second chances, miracles, dogs, kids, and that many things can be solved with a good, hearty laugh. I believe in happy endings.
And last, but not least... I believe in love. ♡

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