Thursday, March 17, 2011

Crush the dreams or crush but dream?

To fall or not to fall, that is the question… (In love, that is…)
Same old incessant story – heart-ache & no glory… We open our heart, get disappointed for A or B reason, and then? Should we close the door and hide the key? What if we forget where we put it? What if at the moment we decided to close the door, the person who just arrived, five minutes, a day, or a month late, and was left behind, was just the one we should have let in?
Love – a thing in which some ceased to believe, a thing without which we convince ourselves we can, but we can’t live. “No man is an Island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the Continent, a part of the main” (John Donne)
Maybe the dilemma is that as we grow older, so grow our preconceptions and our convictions about what we want and search for in life…BUT…do we really know what we want and is that thing, so cherished and longed by us, the best for us? (meaning which will actually make us happy) We create a list of traits that we think the “ideal person” is supposed to have, starting from the most futile and superficial, to the more intricate and profound ones. Each time we start going out with someone, our mind takes over our heart, submitting the poor guy/ girl under this test of ours (consciously or subconsciously)… If the chosen (victim) makes a faux pas, we convince ourselves we are the victims of just another delusion... But is it really so, or are we responsible for demanding and expecting something misleading?
...To be continued (maybe).


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Thursday, March 17, 2011

Crush the dreams or crush but dream?

To fall or not to fall, that is the question… (In love, that is…)
Same old incessant story – heart-ache & no glory… We open our heart, get disappointed for A or B reason, and then? Should we close the door and hide the key? What if we forget where we put it? What if at the moment we decided to close the door, the person who just arrived, five minutes, a day, or a month late, and was left behind, was just the one we should have let in?
Love – a thing in which some ceased to believe, a thing without which we convince ourselves we can, but we can’t live. “No man is an Island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the Continent, a part of the main” (John Donne)
Maybe the dilemma is that as we grow older, so grow our preconceptions and our convictions about what we want and search for in life…BUT…do we really know what we want and is that thing, so cherished and longed by us, the best for us? (meaning which will actually make us happy) We create a list of traits that we think the “ideal person” is supposed to have, starting from the most futile and superficial, to the more intricate and profound ones. Each time we start going out with someone, our mind takes over our heart, submitting the poor guy/ girl under this test of ours (consciously or subconsciously)… If the chosen (victim) makes a faux pas, we convince ourselves we are the victims of just another delusion... But is it really so, or are we responsible for demanding and expecting something misleading?
...To be continued (maybe).

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